Prolongation des grèves au port de Bilbao 

Further to our recent notifications, the industrial action in the Port of Bilbao has been extended by an additional two weeks to the 9th November 2020.Talks are continuing between the union and terminal operator, but an impasse still remains in place.This continues to cause congestion at the port and is having a detrimental effect on transit times with severe delays being experiencedShipping lines are looking to sail from alternative regional ports, but an adverse weather warning has just been announced for the rest of this week in the Bay of Biscay, which is likely to disrupt all major services from the Northern provinces of Spain.At this stage we are unsure whether the strikes will be extended further, but remain hopeful of an agreement being reachedAs always, we will endeavour to keep any delays to a minimum, offer alternative services, and make sure you're fully informed should any of your shipments be directly affected.We hope you understand that these issues are beyond our control, and we are doing our utmost to deliver your goods at the earliest opportunity during this difficult period.


Les grèves du port de Bilbao prolongées jusqu'au 9 décembre 2020


Arrivées en décembre